2 Dangerous Substances That Parking Lot Pressure Washing Can Remove
If your parking lot is not properly taken care of, dangerous substances may begin to build up on it. Here are two dangerous substances that parking lot pressure washing can remove.
Mold And Mildew
If there are areas of your parking lot that have been kept damp for a long period of time, then mold and mildew may actually begin to grow on your parking lot surfaces. This is not safe for your customers because they may become sick if they are around too much mold and mildew and inhale the air spores that it puts off. Mold and mildew can also make a surface slick, which is unsafe for walking.
The best solution to this issue is to hire a professional to come pressure wash all the mold and mildew off of your parking using pressurized water and chemicals that are effective at killing the mold and mildew before it spreads.
Another harmful substance that pressure washing can remove from your parking lot is oil. Unfortunately, the build up of oil is likely unavoidable on your parking lot because you have so many cars driving on it each day. However, the more oil the builds up on your parking lot, the more dangerous it can become. Oil is not only dangerous because it is slick, but it can also cause your parking lot to break down. This creates holes and cracks in your parking lot that can cause someone to trip and fall.
Thankfully, hiring a professional to come and pressure wash your commercial parking lot will remove all of this built up oil and will help to keep your customers safe and preserve the overall integrity of your parking lot.
To learn about more dangerous substances that parking lot pressure washing can remove, or to hire a professional to remove these substances for you today, visit us at 214 Pressure Washing.